Our sisterhood thrives on gathering to learn more about how we can make a positive impact in our communities. There are various ways we connect from our monthly local meetings, to our annual Regional & District meetings, and globally to our biannual/annual SI & SIA meetings. Visit our online calendar for a full list of our activities or follow us on FaceBook.
SIKC Meetings & Outings
Club Dinner and Business Meetings – These are held on the third Wednesday evening of each month. Our monthly meetings are a fun mix of networking, dinner, presentations and club business. Anyone is welcome to attend. If you are interested in attending a monthly meeting, please contact our Attendance Chair at attendance@kcsoroptimist.org to make a reservation no later than the Friday prior to the meeting.
Club Board Meetings – These are held the second Wednesday evening of each month.
Community Service – Club volunteer opportunities are organized throughout the year by our Community Service Committee
Cultural and Special Events – Our Cultural and Special Events Committee plans occasional social outings throughout the year to keep us connected.

Regional & District Meetings
Soroptimist of the Americas South Central Region hosts an annual fall meeting
District Meetings annually in the Spring
Below are a few memories from our Soroptimist of the Americas South Central Region fall meeting held in Oklahoma City on October 21 – 23, 2022.

SI & SIA Meetings
Soroptimst International of the Americas organizes annual and biennial conventions as well as ad hoc events. Visit their events page to see what’s coming soon.