Officers, Trustees and Committees

The induction of the 2024-25 SIKC Board Members and the SFKC Trustees on June 1, 2024.

As a volunteer organization, Soroptimist International of Kansas City relies on its membership to facilitate our programs, events and outreach. We thank the below volunteers for their efforts.

2024-2025 Soroptimist International Kansas City Board of Directors

President – Lynn Lecount (

The president shall conduct the business of the club, preside at meetings of the club and of the board, appoint all committee chairs unless otherwise provided in the motion authorizing the committee. The president shall be ex- officio, a member of all committees except nominating, having the same rights as the committee members, but shall not be obligated to attend meetings of the committee and shall not be counted in determining if a quorum is present. The president shall supervise the fiscal and technical committees of the club. The president is an “automatic” delegate to the Fall Meeting and the South Central Region Conference.

President Elect – Mysti Meiers

The president-elect shall perform the duties of the president in the absence of the president and such other duties as assigned by the board or the president. The president-elect shall participate in the appointment of committee chairs, chair the program planning committee, and supervise the programs of service committees under the direction of the president. The president-elect shall serve as delegate to Region Conference and Fall Meeting.

Treasurer – Grace Boswell (

The treasurer shall receive all funds and deposit them in financial institutions authorized by the board, sign all checks, make remittances as required by Federation Bylaws, Region Bylaws and standing club procedures, pay bills authorized by the budget within seven days of receipt, present a financial statement monthly to the board. The treasurer shall maintain a roll of membership, send statements to members for dues and membership fees, receive and deposit such dues and fees in financial institutions authorized by the board, make a monthly report and annual report to the board and be responsible for preparation and distribution of the membership roster. The treasurer shall serve as delegate to Region Conference and Fall Meeting. The club does not require a bond on the treasurer.

Secretary – Candy Routledge

The recording secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the club and of the board, direct the club records to the archives at the University of Missouri- Kansas City, and send out notices, and carry on such correspondence as does not properly belong to other officers.

Director (2025) – Angie Guynes
Director (2026) – Marie Parker
Immediate Past President – Margaret Smith

Soroptimist Foundation Trustees

Through 2025 – Jerri Cofran
Through 2025 – Marcia Boutz
Through 2026 – Danielle Sidney
Through 2026 – Tanja Johannes
Through 2027 – Dianne Young
Through 2027 – Caitlin Miller

2024-2025 Committees and Chairs

Community Service – Lynn LeCount

The committee shall identify specific economic and social problems in the community and propose activities, promote and encourage volunteer services in these areas.

Dream It Be It – Under Recruitment

To work with other community agencies to help bring about quality education in the community, and implement the Dream It, Be It Awards.

Finance/Budget – Tanya Johannes

Responsible for proposing an operating budget to the board of directors and to the club for approval by July of each year. Upon appointment of committee chairs, the Finance Committee shall send out requests for proposed expenditures. The committee shall review expenditures vs. budget and make recommendations regarding club finances.

Growth, Recruitment and Retention – Elaine Fry

Encourage recruitment by soliciting new members. Determine eligibility of proposed new members. Conduct induction of new members. Educate all members as to the heritage, purpose, objectives, policies and programs of the organization, and prepare members for leadership within the organization and the community.

Live Your Dream – Marcia Boutz

To assist women with primary financial responsibility for their families to obtain the skills-training and education necessary to improve their employment status and standard of living for themselves and their families, and to implement Live Your Dream Awards.

Nominating Committee – Elaine Fry

In February of each year, a nominating committee of three members shall be chosen as follows: the president shall appoint the chair, the board shall elect a second member, and the club shall elect the third member. Only one member of the committee may be a member of the board of directors. The committee shall invite each member to suggest names for consideration.
The committee shall nominate one or more candidates for each officer, director, and two members in good standing who have held such membership for at least one full club year to serve as Soroptimist Kansas City Foundation trustees for three years. The consent of a nominee must be obtained before the name is placed in nomination. At least ten days prior to the election date, the committee shall send its report to each member of the club via email or United States post office mail and publish it in the Signpost.

Program Planning – Mysti Meiers

Responsible for planning the program meetings, following the programs of service set forth in the Federation Bylaws. The program planning committee shall be chaired by the president-elect and include program committee chairs.

Public Relations – Mysti Meiers & Candy Routledge (

Responsible for providing information to the media on club projects and events.

Service Objectives – Norma McKelvy

Responsible for proposing a service budget to the board of directors and to the club by April of each year. The committee shall review annually the currently funded projects of the club; receive all requests from the club members and community organizations. The committee shall prepare a service budget and report thereon to the board prior to the April meeting of the club. Upon approval of the board, the committee shall submit their service budget to the club for approval no later than the April meeting. The approved funds will be distributed at a meeting prior to June 30th. With the consent of the membership the committee may make additional requests during the year for any previous years’ income of the Soroptimist Kansas City Foundation, which was not included in the Service Objectives budget or any budgeted items which were not expended. The committee shall be comprised of seven members. The chair, who shall appointed by the President, shall serve for one year. Two members, who are not trustees of Soroptimist Kansas City Foundation, shall be appointed annually to serve three-year terms. The president shall make appointments with approval of the board.

Special & Cultural Events – Kay Steward

Plan and implement social events, including installation of officers and holiday celebrations, and cultural events related to the activities and interest of the members.

Ways & Means – Jerri Cofran

Suggest methods of raising money and direct fund raising projects which must be approved by the club and forward funds raised to the Soroptimist Kansas City Foundation unless otherwise directed by the club at the time the project is approved.

2024-2025 Appointments

Attendance – Heather Rollins (

Contact members for regular meetings and special events; make dinner reservations and menu selections. Search out new venues for meetings if required and make recommendations to the board and club.

International Goodwill & Understanding/Friendship Links – Kay Stewart

Promote and support all Soroptimist programs which develop a spirit of friendship and contribute to international understanding, communicate with Friendship Links, and explore the possibility of working with them on a common project or goal.

Laws & Procedures – Marcia Boutz

Receive and edit proposed resolutions and amendments to club bylaws, formulate and propose amendments and resolutions, and present such amendments and resolutions for club action. Secure approval of club bylaws as required by Federation or the Region.

Signpost & History – Kay Stewart

Responsible for editing, publishing and distributing the club’s newsletter, “The Sign Post”. Responsible for delivering club records as directed by the board to the University of Missouri-Kansas City archives for filing. Responsible for notifying members of any news that needs to be distributed.

Do you have a question about one of these positions or committees? Please email ( to get more information.